

The next edition of this global program will start on January 19, 2022. Knowledge partners are the J.P. Morgan Center for Commodities at Denver business school (University of Colorado) and Singapore Management University (SMU). The target audience are talented employees…

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On Friday 17 September about 30 golfers played for the 30st time for the golf trophy “The Zoeker”, this year on the beautiful golfcourse “de Batouwe”. Malcolm Osseweijer (L. Hendrix) won with 40 stab. points before Dick Mohlmann (Olyx) and…

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Oilseeds Compared to the 2030 EU outlook baseline, COCERAL-UNISTOCK foresees that the production will decrease by -10%, -17%, -24% and -36%, respectively according to the low, medium, high and extreme impact scenarios. However, the production decrease is only observed for…

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During the Annual General Meeting that was held online on 22 April 2021 Mr. Jan Aalberts (Royal Smilde) was elected new President. Annemarie Keemink (ADM) handed over the proverbial hammer to Jan Aalberts. During his speech, the President refers to…

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Last Thursday, the webinar ‘organic raw materials; developments and challenges’, under guidance of Bernd van de Meulen (food legal consultant), a number of interesting speakers were willing to share their views on the future of organic production. Bavo van den…

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The revised Trading Rules will be in force as from the 1st of January 2021. Changes are the earlier announced addition of the United Kingdom in clauses 110 and 111. Besides some small textual changes further updates can be found…

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CF Partners will be a new member of NOFOTA as per 1 January 2021. CF Partners is a leading risk management, supply and asset management group. CF Partners work with clients across energy procurement, risk mitigation and portfolio management.

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The 2021 MARPOL Annex II amendment of Regulation 1.23 and Regulation will enter into  force on 1 January 2021. This has been communicated by IMO in Resolution MEPC.315(74)  (adopted on 17 May 2019). Mandatory prewashing by ships for Category Y…

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This tool can be used by people that deal with contract execution and want to test themselves if they have enough knowledge of the Trading Rules. Members have received access details for the test via the November Circular Letter.

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