
New MARPOL Regulations for pre-wash of shipstanks as per the 1st of January 2021

The 2021 MARPOL Annex II amendment of Regulation 1.23 and Regulation will enter into  force on 1 January 2021. This has been communicated by IMO in Resolution MEPC.315(74)  (adopted on 17 May 2019). Mandatory prewashing by ships for Category Y substances will be  extended to include all vegetable oil cargoes labelled as “persistent floaters.

This will have impact on the port operations in both Rotterdam and Amsterdam where vegetable and animal oils and fats are being discharged. The flyer shows guidelines for those parties active in the shipping, chartering and (discharge) terminals. The Rotterdam Port Authorities have created a flyer with information for parties that are active in the shipping, chartering and terminals. It can be downloaded here.