

On Tuesday 1 October 2024 NOFOTA organises a seminar on Trading Rules.Lectures are given by experts in the trade and legal professionals and supported by case studies. Click here for more information and registration.

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RTR For customs Services Co. in Alexandria, EGYPT is added as per 3 November 2022 to the list of postings as RTR did not fulfil their obligations under de arbitration award NOF02-22.

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Our kindred association the Royal Dutch Grain Trade Association (Het Comité) is now 150 years young. On the 3rd of January, it was exactly 150 years ago that six Rotterdam based companies founded the Association of Grain Traders. Throughout the…

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The next edition of this global program will start on January 19, 2022. Knowledge partners are the J.P. Morgan Center for Commodities at Denver business school (University of Colorado) and Singapore Management University (SMU). The target audience are talented employees…

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During the Annual General Meeting that was held online on 22 April 2021 Mr. Jan Aalberts (Royal Smilde) was elected new President. Annemarie Keemink (ADM) handed over the proverbial hammer to Jan Aalberts. During his speech, the President refers to…

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CF Partners will be a new member of NOFOTA as per 1 January 2021. CF Partners is a leading risk management, supply and asset management group. CF Partners work with clients across energy procurement, risk mitigation and portfolio management.

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